Example Schedule for Diverge
Intro to Day 2: Diverge (5min)
Everyone participates, you don’t need to be an artist (I’m not!) to sketch and visualize your ideas. No ideas are too wild!
Pitch Practice (10min)
Recap Day 1, identify biggest risks, determine goals for the prototype (45min)
Identify and diagram the critical path for the prototype (45min)
Write down the user story that is most important for this sprint or that best addresses our most blocking/risky assumptions/knowledge gaps. (Write the story as if you were the ‘user’). Diagram the critical path, and break it into pieces if necessary for the purpose of the iteration exercises.
Diverge Cycle (2 hours)
Mind Mapping (15min)
Crazy Eights (5min)
Storyboard (20min)
Silent critique (10min)
Group critique (3-5min each person)
Repeat Diverge Cycle (2 hrs)
Daily Recap (30min)
Last updated